The Meaning of Jaelynn

I recently did some research on my name to find out the origin and meaning behind it. According to this website, my name makes me idealist and generous, with a strong desire to uplift humanity and serve others. The source also describes how people with the name Jaelynn like to take responsibilities and look after others problems. This can become an issue though, because it means I can sometimes get too involved in other’s problems. I think that this description somewhat fits with my personality, but only to an extent. I do agree with it in the sense that I am a generous person and I do care about people’s problems and will give them advice, however i won’t worry about it to the point where I become high strung. The website suggested that I express myself in an artistic way, but I don’t think that is the way I would describe myself. This is because I’m not very creative and cannot sing or play any instrument very well. At the end of the article it says, “If you attach an ideal of service to your life, you could find great happiness and could express a very beautiful, happy, responsible, artistic, and generous nature.” I think this is accurate general description for how I should live my life, because I believe that everyone should be generous to others and have a happy life.

Quantitative and Qualitative Research

imageQuantitative and qualitative are two very different research methodologies, however neither method is more helpful than the other. Qualitative research is the method that focuses on the development of human understanding on the way that people think and act. Quantitative research on the other hand, is the method which displays numerical data using statistical, logical, and mathematical technique. Qualitative research is used to explore new ideas and this can be done using group discussions, and thorough interviews. Quantitative is more commonly used in surveys, questionnaires, and observations to compare variables. If you were interested in finding interpretive data, then you would use qualititative research. Quantitative research would be more useful if you were looking for concrete data. Each method is used in a different situation, but both qualitative and quantitative research are very useful when researching.

S, S. (2017, August 19). Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research (With Comparison Chart). Retrieved October 14, 2017, from

Does your age affect your opinion on the legal drinking age?

Purpose: Our purpose of this experiment is to find out if age affects your opinion on the legal drinking age.

Research: There is no specific data in regards to what we are researching.

Hypothesis: If we ask different age groups there opinion on the legal drinking age than the adults will think it should be raised and the students will think it should be lowered or remain the same.

Experiment: We are testing our hypothesis by creating a survey asking the question “What do you think the legal drinking age should be for Canada?” Then we will give them four options: A) 16, B) 18, C) 19, D) 21

Materials: We will need our survey and 20 students from 10-12, and 20 staff members.

Data & Analysis:

Students: 70% wanted the legal drinking age lowered, 10% thought the legal drinking age should remain the same, and 20% wanted the legal drinking age to be raised.

Staff Members: 40% wanted the legal drinking age to be lowered, 30% thought the legal drinking age should remain the same, and 30% thought the legal drinking age should be lowered.

Students & Staff combined: 55% wanted the legal drinking age lowered, 20% wanted the legal drinking age to remain the same, and 25% thought the legal drinking age should be raised.

Conclusion: Our hypothesis that majority of students would want the legal drinking age to be lowered was correct. 70% of students wanted it lowered. Our hypothesis that majority of the staff members would want the legal drinking age to be raised was incorrect. Only 30% of staff members thought it should be raised. Majority of the staff members thought the legal drinking age should be lowered. 55% overall thought it should be lowered.

Potential Ethical Implications: In this experiment we might have had an ethical implication. I think since we surveyed the staff members they might not want us to know their real opinion on the legal drinking age. Since they are in a position of authority they might feel obligated to say the legal drinking age should be raised.

Thanks for reading and comment your opinion on Canada’s legal drinking age!

Six Grand Theories of Psychology


Humanism is the the perspective of psychology that humans have a natural tendency to make choices and decisions about their lives. It focuses on the study of a person as a whole, and the uniqueness of that individual. There are two different psychologists who made theories about Humanism, and their names are Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.

Abraham Maslow- Maslow is the psychologist who is responsible for the Hierarchy of Needs Theory. The theory is displayed as a triangle, which is composed of five different sections, all of which are different levels of needs needed to be fulfilled to reach full potential. The first level is physiological needs that people need to survive such as food and water, then each level

gets more complex until the last level, which is self-actualization. Self-actualization is the state where one has reached their own full potential in life and is believed to be the main goal in life. In order to move to each next level you must fulfill the needs in the level that you are on, so in order to reach self-actualization you must have achieved physiological, safety, love, and esteem needs. Click this link to learn more details about the needs.

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Carl Rogers- Rogers agreed with Maslow’s theory, but had his own theories about humanism as well. He stated that you need to be in a safe environment filled with genuineness, acceptance, and empathy in order to “grow”. His theory was similar to Maslow’s in the sense that self-actualization would take place if those certain factors were met. Rogers also suggested that the way we see ourselves is a reflection on how we believe others see us. Watch this video to learn more about the history of humanism


Psychoanalysis is the perception of psychology that explains that inner forces have control people’s actions and behaviors.There are two different major theories about psychoanalysis made by Sigmund Freud and Erick Erickson.

Sigmund Freud- Freud’s theory describes how a person’s unconscious can determine a person’s behavior and personality. There are needs and desires within a person’s mind which they are unaware of, which is responsible for how that person acts everyday. Freud suggested that a personality has three different characteristics that control it called the id, ego, and super ego. He also proposed five different stages of development for children. The stages in order are oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.

Erick Erickson- Similar to Freud’s theory, Erickson’s explains a person’s behavior and development in eight stages. The stages are similar for everyone, and each is presented with some type of conflict. In order to move on to the next stage of development, you must address the problem on the stage that you are in. Go to this website for a description on each of these stages
Photo Credit: John Suler’s PhotoPsychology Flickr via Compfight cc


This is the theory of psychology that explains how behavior is a result of stimuli in the environment. Unlike Freud and Ericksons’ theories that behavior is a result affected by different stages, behaviorism suggests that how a person acts is influenced by stimuli that is in their environment. This leads to developmental patterns that are created by repeated exposure to factors in their environment. Two main ideas of behaviorism include classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Click this link to learn more about the idea of behaviorism

Classical conditioning- Based on an experiment done by Ivan Pavlov, John Watson came up with the theory that a person or animal can learn to respond to a neutral stimulus in way that they usually wouldn’t. In Pavlov’s experiment he presented a dog with two stimuli, meat and ringing a bell, which would cause the dog to react by salivating. Over time, the dog would begin to salivate when only the bell was rang and no meat was presented.
Photo Credit: ShirtRater Flickr via Compfight cc

Operant conditioning- B.F. Skinner is the psychologist responsible for the idea of operant conditioning. He showed that an individual would behave a certain way to receive a desired consequence. Positive reinforcement ensure that a person will continue to behave the way they did when they received the reinforcement. Punishment on the other hand, ensures that a person will discontinue the behavior that they demonstrated while they received the punishment.
Photo Credit: lili.chin Flickr via Compfight cc

Watch this video to watch learn more about their experiments.


This is the perspective of psychology which targets a person’s mental processes such as how they think, remember, and learn. This theory compares how a person’s mind works to the way that a computer does. The main focus in cognitive psychology is how behavior is affected by internal processes in an individuals mind. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are the psychologists who made two main theories about cognitivism.

Jean Piaget- He suggested that everyone goes through a series of stages of cognitive development. The quantity of information in each stage increases, increasing the quality knowledge and understanding of an individual. He proposed that the growth in knowledge can be explained by assimilation and accommodation. Check out this website for a better understanding

Lev Vygotsky- Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory focuses on the culture of a child and how it affects their development. It suggest that interactions with adults and other children has a role on the child’s understanding of the world. They learn what is important in their society by playing with other kids, while becoming more cognitive at the same time. Watch this video to learn more

Photo Credit: albyn.davis Flickr via Compfight cc

Ecological Theory:

Psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner created the Ecological Model to explain his ecological theory. He believed that a person is influenced by everything in their environment and he showed this by splitting the environment into five different sections. The different levels are the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, the macrosystem, and the chronosystem. He displayed the levels using a circle diagram. Read this website for an in depth explaining on each of the systems.
Photo Credit: 0312_Photography Flickr via Compfight cc
The microsystem is the system closest to the person so it includes everything that the person deals with on a daily basis such as school, family, and peers. The mesosystem is the next level in the ecological theory which refers to the interactions that happen between different parts of the microsystem. The exosystem is composed of things that affect the individual, but directly because they do not deal with them on a day to
Photo Credit: 0312_Photography Flickr via Compfight cc     day bases. The macrosystem is the largest system that influences all of the other systems in a cultural, economic, or political way. Lastly, the environmental events and changes that happen in a child’s life makes up the last system in the ecological theory which is called the chronosystem.
For more information watch this video on the ecological theory

Evolutionary Theory:

The perspective of psychology that is influenced by biology is called the evolutionary theory. This theory uses Darwin’s idea of evolution to explain how a person behaves the way they do. The evolutionary theory studies how genetics and heredity can have an affect on ones behavior. New technology can be used to map the human genome which expands knowledge on the genetic codes’ role on development.

Photo Credit: stevebeadleart Flickr via Compfight cc

Konrad Lorenz- Lorenz is responsible for the component of the evolutionary theory which is known as the attachment theory. He was a zoologist who came up with ideas for his theory by studying geese. He noticed that geese are genetically programmed to become attached to the first object that they see in motion, and used this information and related it to human psychology. The research that he found was used to consider how genetics might affect the development of a human as well. To learn more about Lorenz and his experiment, check out this website

Photo Credit: deanolind Flickr via Compfight cc


(n.d.). Retrieved October 03, 2017, from


Mcleod, S. (2014, January 03). Simply Psychology. Retrieved October 04, 2017, from

Montmartre School – Psych 20. (n.d.). Retrieved October 05, 2017, from

“Let’s Roll”

Today marks the sixteenth anniversary of the day several thousand courageous people lost

 lives in the horrific event of 9/11. The attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001 has touched the lives of millions of people in America. Every person has their own story of what they were doing that day or how they were involved in the event. This is Todd Beamer’s story:

Todd was just an ordinary person living his life on the day of the attack. He was taking the flight to a business trip, leaving his two kids and pregnant wife at home, when his whole life changed. The airplane that he was on that was supposed to be landing in San Francisco had been rerouted by terrorists with intentions of colliding into the White House. Beamer made a phone call to GTC, and together with help of other passengers they fought against the hijackers and successfully take back control of the plane and redirecting to land in a Cleveland field. His last few words were to tell his family that he loves them and then “Let’s Roll”.

The courage of Todd Beamer’s actions makes him a hero in my mind. I cannot even imagine the fear that would be running through my mind if i would have been on Flight 93. The fact that he was brave enough to fight back against the terrorists shows how courageous he was. I think that when he called the GTC, his family was on his mind, and what he would do to keep them safe. He was probably thinking of how if he doesn’t do something to stop that plane, how many families just like his would be affected. This story shows how fear can drive someone into bravery and courage.

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